Preparing for Sunday Morning Worship (26 January 2020)
In an effort to help you receive more from the Sunday morning Sunday, I wanted to offer you a few steps that you can follow to get more mileage out of the sermon.
First, begin by simply reading the passage of Scripture.
This Sunday morning we are continuing our study through 1 John. We are in chapter 2, verses 7-11. Read through this passage several times as we get closer to the Lord's Day. Mark any similarities, note any contrasts, , and pray through the passage, asking for the Holy Spirit's enlightenment as we dig into it.
Second, pray through the passage of Scripture.
In addition to reading through the passage, pray through the passage. By this I mean, take what the passage says and pray it back to God. An example would be praying that God would help you to cultivate love for your brother (or sister) that you find difficult to love. Look through 1 John 2:7-11, find places you can pray to do something, confess sin for not avoiding an evil, or ask God to help you develop your obedience even further. God knows your heart, and He will help direct your focus.
Finally, purpose to make changes.
Determine right now that whatever changes the Holy Spirit will call you to make you will do. Approach the sermon with a air of humility, acknowledging that you are a Christian in need of growth. Be prepared to make confession for sins that the Holy Spirit brings to mind. If necessary, be ready to offer apologies and ask forgiveness for sins against your brothers and sisters. Make plans to change habits in your daily life to accommodate obedience to God's Word.
These are three small ways you can get ready for Sunday. Honestly, you can use these three steps to help get ready for any sermon, not just this Sunday's.
See you Sunday!