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Home: Welcome


To Know Him and Make Him Known

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Thank you for joining us!

Please make yourself at home! We are glad you visited us! We would be honored to have you come and worship our gracious God with us.


Our weekly services occur on Sunday mornings with Sunday School at 10:00  and corporate worship at 11:00.


We also have prayer and Scripture study on Wednesday evenings at 7:00.


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Woman with Bible

Miss a service?  You can still keep up with the current sermon series. Visit our Facebook Page and click "videos." You can also check out our YouTube channel here.

Preaching  & Sermons

At WCBC, we believe in "reformed experiential preaching." Joel Beeke defines that as "preaching that applies the truth of God to the hearts of people to show how things ought to go, do go, and ultimately will go in the Christian's experience with respect to God and his neighbors--including his family members, his fellow church members, and people in the world around him." (Reformed Preaching41)

To the right (or below, if you are on your mobile device), you will find our current series. Each week we open God's Word and learn God's truth and how to apply it to our lives. 

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